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Nutritional supply for every day

A full day with empty nutritional reserves? It is not always easy to maintain a healthy and balanced diet with a hectic day-to-day life. Above all preparing fresh meals with no time to do so. LR's "Daily Essentials" selection of products provides you and your family with essential nutrients needed by the body every day and always remain on top of the game.


Basic solution


No product


Individual add-on products 


Your nutrition should be as diverse as your day-to-day. But in this case your needs and preferences are known to be very varied. This is why LR LIFETAKT offers additional products specifically tailored to your individual requirements. Don't like specific foods despite being very healthy? Then, for example, the ideal way to compensate your individual requirement is with Super Omega, Protein Power, Fibre Boost or Vita Active.

Fish, eggs or other foods containing
Omega 3 are always left on your plate?

Super Omega capsules have a high content of the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, and help to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. When taken long-term, Omega 3 fatty acids prevent a whole lot of diseases.

60 Capsules / 100,8 g

Play a lot of sports and need an extra portion of protein?

Protein Power provides an extra portion of protein to help with your muscle mass. Suitable also for convalescence after an injury.

375 g

Not a big fan of whole grain products?

Fibre Boost complements your daily diet with its high fibre content from three sources.

210 g

An extra portion of vitamins appeals to you?

Vita Active provides 10 essential vitamins with just one teaspoon per day – for adults and children. A natural vitamin product like no other.

150 ml


Expert tips



Small things can have a big effect. Go for the power of berries – they are packed with power. At their best fresh and ripe with yoghurt, quark or just eaten now and again. Avoid sugary fizzy drinks. Switch to water as often as you can. Your weight and metabolism will thank you.



Make time for yourself. Create time to relax. How about exercise, training, or gymnastics. Just arrange to try it for an hour. And make new friends. Who have you not called in a while? Who have you not contacted for a long time, even though they are close to your heart? Get in touch again!



Make exercise part of your daily routine! Don't get angry about water under the bridge. Just go for a short walk. Perhaps even a whole stop! Use a step counter and start your own competition. 200 more steps every day. How far will you get? Getting up to 5,000 would be great.


The basis of a healthy life is the daily intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements. There are also many other factors that influence our wellbeing. Try to make nutrition, lifestyle and exercise tips more and more part of your daily routine.

Dr Sven Werchan

nutritional expert

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