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Step by step to your desired weight


Wanting to feel well in you again? Lose a few kilos or more? LR LIFETAKT Body Mission accompanies you along the way to the perfect figure of your dreams. Your daily boost for a new, attractive feeling.


Basic solution


No product


Individual add-on products 


In addition to Body Mission we recommend our peach-flavour Aloe Vera Drinking Gel and Fiber Boost - two essential allies on the way to your desired weight.

Wanting to boost your metabolism?

Peach-flavour Aloe Vera Drinking Gel helps with your energy metabolism. In addition it tastes pleasantly sweet without added sugar.

Are you constantly starving?

With its high fibre content, the Fibre Boost drink stops you feeling hungry.


Expert tips

Nourishment plans and recipes


A filling meal three times a day for 28 days: Two Figu meals and one normal meal. The large selection of meal replacement products and delicious recipes for normal meals ensure variety in your menu.



Encouraging success stories from the community, talking with like-minded people, and tracking your own weight provide motivation to keep going and carry on.

Fitness & exercise


Modern fitness videos for beginners and the more advanced provide effective exercises that help you to lose weight, shape your figure and, as an aside, are really fun.


The integrated Body Mission concept is ideal for anyone wanting to count more than calories. The products make losing weight easier, and the comprehensive online support provides optimum support and motivation.


Dr Sven Werchan

nutritional expert

Our products





The creamy Figu Active Shakes combine delicious taste with valuable ingredients. Mix it with milk, shake it, enjoy! Available in the flavours Strawberry-Banana, Latte Macchiatto and Vanilla.




Spicy taste and awareness for a good figure don’t have to exclude each other. Our great selection of tasty soups is the proof.





Figu Active bars replace a full meal and are ideally suited for travelling and on the road. There are three delicious versions.




Figu Active Flakes are a scrumptious meal replacement with fruity cranberry pieces. Just add yoghurt or milk.



Complementary products


The Body Mission also includes useful companions for your diet: Protein Power provides nutrients during your diet and support muscle growth. Pro Balance restores your body's acid-base balance and thus stimulates your metabolism and helps you get rid of retained fluids. Fasting herbal tea besides quenching your thirst without calories also helps activate your metabolism. 


Body Mission Monthly Set


A complete package for your personal Body Mission – just what you need for your dream figure.

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